Thursday, March 12, 2009

François Virot: Yes or No

This album is definitely nothing short of amazing. "In a nutshell,’s the record of a sage, recorded by a kid." In terms of pure beauty capable of making you want to jump out of your skin it makes you feel so alive, Francois Virot has achieved my heart with this album. Every single song grabs at some part inside of me: a memory, a lung, found sadness, lost happiness. His simplistic use of a guitar & percussions layered with his crippling voice & voices is so refreshing, it reminds you that real music still exists in a world where even Bon Iver has opted (or to be politically correct I should say, has 'experimented' with) auto-tune. In it's entirety, 'Yes or No' is an emotionally gripping album that will surely adorn your spirit.

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