I am nothingness.
Within the self exists all the universe.
To breathe goodness in,
creates balance and harmony in the voided self,
and thus, in the universe.
Be nothingness in the complete absence of emotional thought.
Feel your space.
With every good breath,
create balance and harmony within the self,
and so, within the universe.
Then, the greatness within the self,
in turn, equalizes without the self.
By Ursula Kohncke
The most beautiful, kindred soul I have ever had the joy and good fortune to encounter. I cannot even begin to express my love and gratitude for this person. It is no coincidence that we found each other, our souls have been together in many lifetimes, and it is so warming to know that we will never be apart. Our friendship is so infinitely boundless. Our energy is synced and compliments one another's perfectly. It's unbelievable how quietly and extravagantly the puzzle pieces fit. No one has ever had the capacity to teach me in this way, to show me the true meaning of life and love. The stream of admiration, respect, and appreciation runs deep and will go on forever. You have touched my spirit and ignite my passion for life. Inspiration is my leading motive in life, it all starts with inspiration and your heart and mind create an energy that is with me always. What more could you ask for in a friend?
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