JESSiCAKE : Haha. Okayyyy
* melissa: Just sent this to __________: Did u go on some awful date + are now too traumatized to meet little old me?
JESSiCAKE : Awwwwww!!!!!
JESSiCAKE : Hahahahaha
* melissa: :D
JESSiCAKE : That oughtta push him into planning to meet u IN PERSON again sooner!
* melissa: One would think- he goes "you tell me. How do we make this happen"
* melissa: He just asked me if I'm a spooner, hahahha
JESSiCAKE : Oh god!! Now he's like throwing the ball back in your court again!
JESSiCAKE : He needs to step his game up!
* melissa: Can you tell him that
JESSiCAKE : And then jumping to the spooning! Hahaha
JESSiCAKE : He hasn't even asked u on a date! And he wants to know if u wanna be spooned!
JESSiCAKE : I'm confused about him! Haha
* melissa: HahahahhahahahahhHahahHAHAHA
* melissa: He just called me little spooner
JESSiCAKE : Aaaaahahahaha
* melissa: I wanna watch sex and the city
* melissa: My sis took all my dvds with her :(
* melissa: Correction: he called me little spoon
JESSiCAKE : I'm watching them on demand!!!! It just happen to be when she's meeting Burgerrr!!! Hahaha
* melissa: Even better
* melissa: I don't have on demandddddd >:O
JESSiCAKE : Is that even supposed to be found "cute"
JESSiCAKE : It might have been if he actually spooned u!
JESSiCAKE : So weird....
* melissa: Hahah I knowww I think I should be the worried one here jeeeez
JESSiCAKE : Hahaha
* melissa: Ok so last thing, I said "I am a cuddler." He said "perfect" I said "ill believe it when I see it"
JESSiCAKE : Ohhhhh perfect!
* melissa: I just lurked his fb a little he looks like a flirter. I gotta watch this one-- I always love like its never hurt, fall for the spontaneous unpredictable pricks
* melissa: Nooo more, I vow to be the one to come out laughing. My new philosophy
JESSiCAKE : Yessss! I'm with you!
JESSiCAKE : Soooo with u on that new philosophy
* melissa: Good. We'll show these boys who's bossy. Um ok sorry I keep blowin you up with texts, he just said "you're the one who's so busy with guys nights"
* melissa: So I said, "no no. U just tell me when/what/where"
JESSiCAKE : Guys nights????
JESSiCAKE : What's that mean!!??
JESSiCAKE : Good! He needs a lil pushy one I guess
* melissa: Well I told him I was hanging with the guys this weekend, but that's only cause he's too pussy to ask me out !!!
* melissa: Ok ew
* melissa: He said "Spooning usually takes place at home ;)"
* melissa: What does he think this is, we're not at that point yet
* melissa: What do I sayyy to that
JESSiCAKE : First he doesn't make any moves , now he's skipping it all!
JESSiCAKE : I don't even know!!!!!
JESSiCAKE : What are u going to say back to that?
* melissa: Hahahah exactlyyy
* melissa: I don't know what to even say to that !
* melissa: Dear james milner, can we make sure we can stand being in a room physically together, before we commit to spoons ?
* melissa: That's a little harsh ?
JESSiCAKE : Hahahahahahahahaha
* melissa: Help what doo I sayyy
* melissa: Hahah firs he doesn't make any moves, then he decides to skip them all
* melissa: That was too good a line to pass up I said: "I like how you slyly skipped all the first moves of asking me out and went straight to spooning, very cute"
JESSiCAKE : Perrrrrrrfect!
JESSiCAKE : There nothing else to really say!
JESSiCAKE : He really did!
JESSiCAKE : he can't ask to see u or meet up, but he can blutly ask if u spoon!
JESSiCAKE : Come on! Haha
* melissa: Jeeezus
* melissa: I wanna ask him if he signed up for for some cheap hookups
JESSiCAKE : Nooooooo
* melissa: That's rude tho I don't wanna be offensive
JESSiCAKE : U can't do that!
* melissa: He goes: "not so sly huh"
JESSiCAKE : Like maybe in person a lil sarcastic, but nooooo
* melissa: Yeah he has to know THE humor
* melissa: By THE humor I mean me u tal humor
JESSiCAKE : But he just mighttttt not know IT too well just yet
* melissa: Hmm. He's a tough case
JESSiCAKE : Must be broken in!
* melissa: Yep
* melissa: Melissa lauren taylor loves like its never hurt
Jennifer Nicole: Jennifer nicole brich has a yearning in her heart & that she can feel in her travel the world, far and wide.
* melissa: Melissa lauren taylor wants to know what its like to time travel
Jennifer Nicole: jennifer nicole brich, like melissa taylor believes she was born in the wrong decade
Jennifer Nicole: I would like to time travel too.
Jennifer Nicole: Women were once glamorous and regal. Not to say some aren't now. But women were ladies. They dressed like them & acted like them. They were dipped in jewels and beautiful clothing.
Jennifer Nicole: They attended dances and powdered their noses in powder rooms and had these terrific voices.
Jennifer Nicole: Old hollywood glamour you know.
* melissa: Ahhhh sounds beautific
* melissa: Sounds like u and me jenny
* melissa: I think I have a pretty decent vocal box- I used to take voice lessons ya know
Jennifer Nicole: I feel like there was this abundace of glamour and romance and passion! Sounds soo exciting.
* melissa: Hahah
Jennifer Nicole: Haha
* melissa: The romance. The passion it all sounds too good
Jennifer Nicole: Well I mean when u watch an old movie there voices just sound different.
Jennifer Nicole: Speaking voices.
* melissa: I had a guy just skip all the first moves of asking me out, and asked me to spoon
* melissa: Yeah they're deep and full
Jennifer Nicole: What?!!! Hahaha
* melissa: They are filled with confidence and knowing
Jennifer Nicole: Exactly!
Jennifer Nicole: Precisely!
* melissa: I'm not kidding about the aforementioned male invitation
Jennifer Nicole: Explain?
* melissa: Its a joke. Since when is it okay to ask a girl to spoon before you've even seen her face to face, or even shaken my hand???
Jennifer Nicole: Who does that?!
* melissa: That guy I met on
Jennifer Nicole: So he was joking or not?
* melissa: We've been talking forever
* melissa: Not a joke, I mean its all witty banter
* melissa: But still
* melissa: He for some reason can't grow the balls to ask me out
* melissa: But he can ask me if I'm a spooner
Jennifer Nicole: Well he's on a dating website! What does he think he's doing there?!
* melissa: There's so much being left out of the discourse
Jennifer Nicole: How awful!
Jennifer Nicole: Well don't u go asking him out. Check mate. His move.
* melissa: Oh I'm not.
* melissa: I told him: "I like how you slyly skipped all the first moves of asking me out and went straight to spooning, very cute"
* melissa: how does one expect a female to woon when all u can say wittily is that I'm a "little spoon"
Jennifer Nicole: And if you had accepted his invitation would he get ur address and head on over? Haha
* melissa: Riddle me that
* melissa: Seriouslyyy !!!????
Jennifer Nicole: Soo how do u feel about spooning?
* melissa: This is great material, I gotta blog about it
* melissa: I asked, "well it depends, am I the one being spooned or spooning"
Jennifer Nicole: Its a significant question for me to ask a female I consider courting. I need to know ur big on spooning.
* melissa: And then he called me LITTLE SPOON
Jennifer Nicole: Hmmm u should ask how he feels about sporking:D
Jennifer Nicole: Maybe he's a big fan of silverware
* melissa: Hahahha
Jennifer Nicole: Melissa lauren taylor aka LITTLE SPOON
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11 years ago
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