Wednesday, February 11, 2009

music = life

this kinda rekindled warm fuzzy memories of that Lee Ann Womack "I Hope you Dance" song which I loved when I was like, 12.

I've been thinking a lot about the "popular" (and by popular I mean common, or consensus) conceived notions of success equating happiness.. and how it truly is a web. We are always looking to the future because it holds our salvation, or to this idea of an end point which enfolds true peace and happiness. It's the most ridiculous thing in the world to put something out into the future as if that holds any reality whatsoever. All we ever really have is right now, this very moment, and I think we should pay attention to that. Yes, extremely hard philosophy to implement, because as I'm saying this now you are thinking, "Oh I will start living in the moment, tomorrow".

"i will quit smoking when I'm ready"

"i will start my diet on monday"

"i will clean the house tomorrow"

"one day i will be happy"

don't even get me started on "new year's resolutions". these so called resolutions started as cocktail-chatter folks.

Alan Watt's analogy between the purpose of life and music is the one of the most stunningly simplistic yet significant truths I've stumbled upon yet. We are brooded to believe that what's important in life is the climax, seeing the view from the top of the hill. Go listen to Arcade Fire's "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)", but don't think, just listen.

just go, go
live yo lyfe.

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