HAPPPPPYYYY NEWWWW YEARRR my love.. u are my whole heart and soul and everything imortant impossibly all wrapped into one being. I know I've told u this before, but u have taught me so much and continue to teach and inspire me every day to live my life passionatly (i know i'm cringing too)-- but to be full of curiousity and to be imaginative/creative/independent, among many many things.............. and i mean what more can u ask for in a friend?? really when it comes down to it, when u are inspired by someone in more than one way and they impel you to THINK & FEEL deeply.. there is nothing more meaningful and it is an invaluable friendship. you are a beautiful, beautiful person my jacky.... and no matter what u are my number one, nobody can ever know what we have because no one is us. i just love u with every part of me and am so thankful that we got through what seemed like a horrible experience *and it was but i think we both learned A LOT and nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely... So i look forward to a new year FULL of silly grinchmas laughs with my twinnybinny, wanna know about life chats drunk AND undrunk (we'll have to recapture the essence of our old apartment stairs in a new treasured place (we'll make a fort or something), taking it to the EXTREME OF EXTREME adventures with lemon flavored snapple, CL's(camel lights), orange soda, red gatorade, red bull, vitamin water, beef jerkey, and a digital camera as our only motivating fuel, intimidating people with our "intense" presence, running/dancing/jumping and apparently fighting off velvetine rabbits with flutes and playing catch with velcro mits & babie bunnies, eating feast buffets simultaneously consisting of irish nachos, cesar salads, sushi, buffalo wings, spinach dip, garlic bread, pizzasaurus rex, nachos from chiles, chicken smothered in biscuits and gravy from cheesecake factory, homemade pizookies, mac and cheeese my style, blue cheese/pear salads, french dips with au jus, ranch, bbq, honey mustard, chive dip, (any & ALL sauces we can get our cubby little hands on) and the list could go on and on and if i missed any of our majorrr feasting interests please LET ME KNOW. but anyways anyways basically i am looking forward to classic US: "it was a collaboration, it was daring, it was motivational, it was inspired by the pursuit of happyness, it was shocking, it was spectacular" me and you time.
my mom thinks i was a chef in one of my previous lives because of my newfound LOVE/OBSESSION with cooking/baking/anything to do with cooking and/or baking/FOOD..... and i just had this thought... i think that in one of our previous lives together we've been husband and wife as chefs. i know it sounds weird... but i kinda can feel it in my bones. as silly as it may seem food has def been a big connection between u and i and theres something deeper that dwells within that aspect.
i love u more than anything in this world. always, always know that and that i will be here for u, with u, in u forever. there is no doubt, the literally dreadful fear that when i get to "heaven" and i cant find my twinny has left me... and it has sunken in, way way deep down in that our souls, our ENERGY will never, ever be apart.
you play a very significant role in where i am today, which is more than less the best place i have ever been. and on that note and starting off 2008 and as for life in general can i just say: i am e x c i t e d. i am a child in a candy shop with peanut butter cups the size of oranges. i have a beautiful. LOVING. amazing. family, the most wonderful friends anyone could ask for that teach and inspire me each in their own unique & special way, i am in the best shape of my life and am so curiously intrigued with fitness and health and from that brings many lessons in discipline which is among my overwhelming current range of interests: the science of language, going GREEN, ice-skating, singing--and music in any way shape or form, anything and everything that occurs ORGANICALLY, metaphysical being, play-dough, all aspects of photography/film, tea, animals, anything to do with being physical (namely sex, and jumping), any and all concepts on teleological thought, Soren Kierkegaard, and i really could go on and onnnnnn. It is crazy to think how depressed i was.. my life was obstructed at all angles of any type of culture, education, beauty, or anything spiritual. But I am back, finally... and I cannot wait to see what this year has in store... its gonna be good and i know it.
the doctor shop. ryan atwood snarles. "I'll show u meaningful!!!!!" i love u twinny.